Research shows a link between cognitive development and movement, meaning children need opportunities to move so they can learn. Rolling, crawling, skipping, and jumping, along with a variety of other movement activities, build the brain during the first years of a child's life.
How does movement help learning?
Movement throughout the day helps students to re-energize their bodies and their brains, helping them to focus and concentrate better. Research has shown that movement during the school day benefits academic performance and improves behavior.
Why movement is critical to learning?
“Study after study shows physical activity activates the brain, improves cognitive function, lowers anxiety and helps students focus, engage and be interested,” says Shelley Murphy.
Why is child movement important?
Research suggests that promoting movement and activity in young children can help increase memory, perception, language, attention, emotion and even decision making. When language is combined with movement, learning increases 90 percent. Movement has also been shown to help calm and promote alertness in infants.
Do children learn better with movement?
Study after study shows that physical activity activates the brain, improves cognitive function, and is correlated with improved academic performance (Donnelly & Lambourne, 2011). This means any kind of physical activity, not just movement associated with the material we're learning, can benefit students academically.
What can you use to help you add movement to your daily lessons?
Kids Freeze Dance creates content themed freeze dance videos and is only $5.00 a month. Each video combines learning with movement so you can be sure your "movement break" is aligned with your teaching standards. The monthly membership can be cancelled at any time and we are always taking requests about what kind of video to create next. Click below to get started!